More Cats in Television- Kitty in "The Closer" episode 1, season 5
Brenda Leigh Johnson, Fritz Howard, and Kitty are shown below in an image from the new season of "The Closer". The new season's first episode aired on June 8, 2009. The second episode airs on June 15, 2009.

Copyright (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
The cat "Kitty" has been a part of "The Closer", the Emmy Award-winning TV series, almost from the get go- Kitty's debut was in Season 1 (2005), episode 3. Read more about the accolades for the "The Closer" here . And, I trace the history of Kitty in "The Closer" here.
And, Kitty "he" or "she", depending on who is speaking and when, continues to exert her cat presence. Sometimes she (yes, Kitty is a she) does so "overtly", at least by means of her influence on the Humans, to influence the home life of Brenda Leigh Johnson, and that Fritz guy. But I am thinking that her cat presence is always there, even if not apparent in some episode or another- thus "covertly".
Kitty, in fact, appears in relatively few episodes of "The Closer", but when she does, the issues she presents deal with "Things Cat People Know About". And, even in episodes where Kitty doesn't appear, she is still a presence. I say that because cats have that way of being around, telling us something.
Pay attention to life, the cat says.
Cats, every cat, once they are adopted, and become part of a Human home, with Humans as guardians, continue to be a part of that home, even if they don't get prime time footage in every episode of a popular series like "The Closer". Kitty, and any cat, is there. One way or the other, they are a presence.
Kitty in "The Closer" is the reality check, the innocent force that centers Brenda Leigh Johnson amidst/against the larger world of professional life, where she has to be always in control, and always thinking, to succeed in a man's world. Cats don't plan criminal escapades.
So, back to episode 1, season 5 (June 8, 2009) of "The Closer". Kitty's circumstances are shown fully at the end, but by the time I got there, I was seeing how skillfully this episode was crafted to parallel human events and cat events in a subtle way. A man (suspected perp) leaves at breakfast time. And then things happen. Kitty wasn't eating, according to Fritz, but Brenda feeds her treats at breakfast time. And, then things happen.
At the end of episode 1, season 5, Kitty is being kept overnight at the vet's, and on IV. Fritz spotted the problem- Kitty wasn't eating, and wanted to take her to the vet first thing in the morning. But, Brenda fed Kitty some kitty treats for breakfast and Kitty gobbled them up, Brenda's response to show Fritz Kitty was okay. And then Fritz came home at noon to discover that Kitty had thrown up the kitty treats.
This first episode of season 5 is so rich with possibilities it's hard for me to know what to say next- all I can offer is that two different friends had cats who had to be taken to the hospital for IV, and then repeated treatments- both cats suffering from kidney disease. The outcomes were different for the two cats. One good, one not.
But, please pay attention to the warning signs of cat illnesses- cats are very good at hiding their pain. The following list of things to pay attention to come via the American Humane Association (and this is for any pet- not just cats- dogs too). Like, the probability of me taking my cat Tootsie for a walk are zero- thus I realized in careful reading of info below that this included both cats AND dogs:
Tootsie ate this canned tuna over the course of 2 days, and then left me a message- she threw up something that looked quite like the contents of the can of tuna, and left it on the hallway. This is the ONLY time she has thrown up, ever. And, I don't think it was a "subtle message" with forethought. The canned tuna really made her ill.

Copyright (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
The cat "Kitty" has been a part of "The Closer", the Emmy Award-winning TV series, almost from the get go- Kitty's debut was in Season 1 (2005), episode 3. Read more about the accolades for the "The Closer" here . And, I trace the history of Kitty in "The Closer" here.
And, Kitty "he" or "she", depending on who is speaking and when, continues to exert her cat presence. Sometimes she (yes, Kitty is a she) does so "overtly", at least by means of her influence on the Humans, to influence the home life of Brenda Leigh Johnson, and that Fritz guy. But I am thinking that her cat presence is always there, even if not apparent in some episode or another- thus "covertly".
Kitty, in fact, appears in relatively few episodes of "The Closer", but when she does, the issues she presents deal with "Things Cat People Know About". And, even in episodes where Kitty doesn't appear, she is still a presence. I say that because cats have that way of being around, telling us something.
Pay attention to life, the cat says.
Cats, every cat, once they are adopted, and become part of a Human home, with Humans as guardians, continue to be a part of that home, even if they don't get prime time footage in every episode of a popular series like "The Closer". Kitty, and any cat, is there. One way or the other, they are a presence.
Kitty in "The Closer" is the reality check, the innocent force that centers Brenda Leigh Johnson amidst/against the larger world of professional life, where she has to be always in control, and always thinking, to succeed in a man's world. Cats don't plan criminal escapades.
So, back to episode 1, season 5 (June 8, 2009) of "The Closer". Kitty's circumstances are shown fully at the end, but by the time I got there, I was seeing how skillfully this episode was crafted to parallel human events and cat events in a subtle way. A man (suspected perp) leaves at breakfast time. And then things happen. Kitty wasn't eating, according to Fritz, but Brenda feeds her treats at breakfast time. And, then things happen.
At the end of episode 1, season 5, Kitty is being kept overnight at the vet's, and on IV. Fritz spotted the problem- Kitty wasn't eating, and wanted to take her to the vet first thing in the morning. But, Brenda fed Kitty some kitty treats for breakfast and Kitty gobbled them up, Brenda's response to show Fritz Kitty was okay. And then Fritz came home at noon to discover that Kitty had thrown up the kitty treats.
This first episode of season 5 is so rich with possibilities it's hard for me to know what to say next- all I can offer is that two different friends had cats who had to be taken to the hospital for IV, and then repeated treatments- both cats suffering from kidney disease. The outcomes were different for the two cats. One good, one not.
But, please pay attention to the warning signs of cat illnesses- cats are very good at hiding their pain. The following list of things to pay attention to come via the American Humane Association (and this is for any pet- not just cats- dogs too). Like, the probability of me taking my cat Tootsie for a walk are zero- thus I realized in careful reading of info below that this included both cats AND dogs:
1. Keep in mind that animals will generally attempt to mask signs of illness. This behavior is a natural instinct that is used for protection in the wild where any animal showing signs of weakness is likely to be shunned by its own kind and/or attacked by predators.And, about that thing of getting my "pet" to finish all the medications- crickey, I wish someone would tell me how to get my cat to do more than take the first few doses. Tootsie is a "rescue" cat, and very wary. And, a bit unusual. She is absolutely resistant to any kind of "kitty treats". I tried out a bunch of these on her, hoping I could find a way to make her "okay" with it, like reward her for taking the medicine. I finally resorted to giving her a can of tuna (canned tuna is NOT good for cats, but it was a last resort on my part).
2. Be aware that any subtle change in your pet’s appearance or behavior could indicate illness. Some signs to watch for include:
• Decrease or loss of appetite
• Decrease in energy or activity level
• Hiding
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Blood in the urine or stool
• Bloating of the abdomen
• Straining or inability to urinate or defecate
• Increased shedding or bald patches
• Excessive scratching or licking of the body
• Foul odor coming from the mouth, ears, or skin
• Lumps or tumors
• Discharge from the eyes or nose
• Limping
• Seizures
• Reluctance or difficulty in getting up or going up and down stairs
• Abnormal vocalization (whining or crying)
3. Know which signs indicate an emergency that requires immediate veterinary care and which require veterinary care if they continue for more than a day or two. Symptoms that indicate an emergency include the inability to urinate, a bloated hard abdomen, excessive vomiting or diarrhea, seizures, and the inability to stand up. Other less severe signs of illness should be checked by a veterinarian within 24 to 48 hrs.
4. Once you have taken a sick pet to your veterinarian, you may need to continue medical care at home in the form of medication, special foods, or supportive physical care.
Here are some tips on handling the daily care of a sick pet:
• Make sure you know the correct dose and understand how to give medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Your veterinarian knows that medicating a pet can be challenging and he will be glad to give you a demonstration and some extra coaching if you need it.
• Keep in mind that a sick pet should be kept in a quiet environment and he may prefer to be left alone. Make sure that young children and other pets do not bother him. You may need to keep your sick pet in a separate room or area of the house.
• If your veterinarian has prescribed a special food for your sick pet, make sure that you feed him separately from other pets. Also be sure that all members of your household are aware of your pet’s special dietary needs and understand that even small amounts of treats or other types of foods could be harmful.
• Be aware of any special physical needs that your sick pet may have. Some medications may cause your pet to drink and urinate more so you may need to walk him or clean his litter box more frequently. If your pet is having difficulty walking or going up and down stairs, you may need to help him. Ask your veterinarian to show you the correct way to assist your pet so that you will not hurt him.
5. Report any worsening symptoms or new symptoms to your veterinarian immediately, as these could indicate that your pet’s illness has become more serious. New symptoms could also be side effects of your pet’s medication. Your veterinarian may want to re-examine your pet or he may simply change your pet’s medication.
6. Be sure to finish all medications as prescribed by your veterinarian and take your pet back to your veterinarian for any recommended recheck exams or diagnostic tests. Even if your pet seems completely better to you, it is very important that you adhere to your veterinarian’s instructions. Even if your pet does not look or act sick anymore, there could still be an underlying illness that could recur if you don’t follow through on all of your veterinarian’s recommendations.
Tootsie ate this canned tuna over the course of 2 days, and then left me a message- she threw up something that looked quite like the contents of the can of tuna, and left it on the hallway. This is the ONLY time she has thrown up, ever. And, I don't think it was a "subtle message" with forethought. The canned tuna really made her ill.
I once catsat and the cat was not happy with the situation and left "prezzies" on the fur blanket on the bed - joy *sarcasm*
ReplyDeleteI'm not a regular viewer of "The Closer" and haven't really taken that close a look at the cat. Is it the same cat throughout?
Yes, same cat as far as I know.
ReplyDeleteAh, the prezzie! I had a part in this post re: "cats don't plan criminal escapades" that was about "well, only occasionally", but it didn't seem to fit.
I have a story- it was quite memorable. I've been trying to round up some stories on "the cat's revenge" for long time! Your story sounds like it is in that category!
I'll try to figure out how to email you, so you can tell me your story-- I'd love to read it!
There's really not more to the story. The cat was an elderly Siamese who spent most of her time sleeping under the dining room lamp. She never hissed or showed her displeasure except for the turds she left on the fur blanket.
ReplyDeleteBTW if you ever need it my addy is in my LJ
Here's what happened to The Closer Kitty.
Thank you Anonymous for posting that.
ReplyDeleteI have been having computer meltdown problems for more than a week, and finally dug out my old laptop today.
Yes, I knew before hand, but swore not to tell.
I have a lot of thoughts about the events, and now that I'm semi back with a computer, I will post.
Let me go make your link clickable.
Anonymous, here's the clickable link:
ReplyDeleteTV guide.
And, Anonymous, I got to listen to the interview with James Duff. Now that I'm pretty much back on line, a post about that is next up.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for posting the link to the TV guide article.
James Duff and co. made a really unusual and brave decision to treat Kitty as a real character, whose loss would be felt in the series, rather than treat Kitty as just another prop.
Again, more on that later...
VG, I left my email addy in bmaz's post as well.
ReplyDeleteMy e*mail is c*4*2*c*h*at*h*o*t*m*a*i*l*d*o*t*c*o*m