More Cats in Television- Kitty in "The Closer" episode 1, season 5

Brenda Leigh Johnson , Fritz Howard , and Kitty are shown below in an image from the new season of "The Closer". The new season's first episode aired on June 8, 2009 . The second episode airs on June 15, 2009 . Copyright (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. The cat "Kitty" has been a part of "The Closer", the Emmy Award-winning TV series, almost from the get go- Kitty's debut was in Season 1 (2005), episode 3. Read more about the accolades for the "The Closer" here . And, I trace the history of Kitty in "The Closer" here . And, Kitty "he" or "she", depending on who is speaking and when, continues to exert her cat presence. Sometimes she (yes, Kitty is a she) does so "overtly", at least by means of her influence on the Humans, to influence the home life of Brenda Leigh Johnson, and that Fritz guy. But I am thinking that her cat presence is always there, even if not appar...