Theo the Hair Stylist

Direct link is here (1:01)

Human says: "Theo the cat is a trained hair stylist specializing in the male up-do."

No info on this, but looks to me like Theo the cat is a Maine coon. I've been watching them on YouTubes for quite a while, and seems to me that they are always quite purposeful aka "I have a plan" in their behavior. Yes, this cat does seems to have an agenda/ plan. An unusual one, though!

Update: I found some other YTs of Theo, and Yes, he is a Maine coon kitteh.


  1. We once had a rescue kitteh who, in retrospect, was probably a Maine Coon and I had to stop using Pantene shampoo when we had her because every time I did she would turn into a hair stylist. I wonder if he's a Pantene user?

  2. Marion! that is a fascinating question! You should go to the direct link, and leave that question for the hair guy! :) srsly!


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