Mouse escapes cat by hitching a ride on a bike in Russia

This little video should make you smile and even laugh. It was captured in Russia and it appears that there are a couple of guys on their bikes. Nearby, a cat is chasing a mouse. The mouse sees an opportunity to escape by clambering onto one of their bikes. They are amused. The mouse remains on the frame of the bike and the other guy videos it. The cat looks nonplussed because she has lost her mouse. They cycle off while continuing to film. It's the most novel way that I have seen for a mouse to escape a cat. Well done mouse and I'm sorry the cat lost her dinner. I can't embed the video so please click on this link to see it on the original site : MSN. Sorry for that. Note: these sorts of links break down over time. It is just the way it is on the internet. Here is a poor image quality still image of the great escape: Mouse escapes cat by hitching a ride on a bike in Russia